Tropicals for Melbourne

Here you'll find the toughest of the tough, tropical plants that have the ability to survive Melbourne winters and yet will still give you a lush tropical feel. To be successful at tropical gardening in a cooler climate we suggest creating a warm microclimate for your plants. You'll find more info at: Cold Hardy Tropical Plants

Mini Cordyline Moonlight

Mini Cordyline Moonlight


Alpinia galangal

Alpinia galangal


Alpinia malaccanse 5 plants

Alpinia malaccanse 5 plants


Brazil Cherry

Brazil Cherry


Brazil Cherry Bulk Buy x 10

Brazil Cherry Bulk Buy x 10


19% OFF RRP $155.00
Brugmansia Avalanche

Brugmansia Avalanche


C. fruticosa Nancy

C. fruticosa Nancy


Cordyline Andrew

Cordyline Andrew


Cordyline Pele's Smoke

Cordyline Pele's Smoke


Costus comosus

Costus comosus


Dr Moy Hedychium

Dr Moy Hedychium


8% OFF RRP $20.00
Shell Ginger

Shell Ginger


Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)


 Maui Pink Bulk Buy
21% OFF RRP $70.00
Amanda's Blush
6% OFF RRP $16.50