Tropicals for Sydney

Are you pining for a lush tropical paradise but living in a cooler climate? Here you'll find tropical plants that will grow all the way down to Sydney in a protected coastal climate.You'll find more information on cool climate tropical plants here: Cold Hardy Tropical Plants

Samoan Pink Taro

Samoan Pink Taro


Zingiber spectabile cv Orange (Orange Beehive/Giant Apricot Beehive)
6% OFF RRP $15.50
Mini Cordyline Moonlight

Mini Cordyline Moonlight





Alexander Palm Bulk Buy

Alexander Palm Bulk Buy


20% OFF RRP $75.00
Alocasia macrorrhizos

Alocasia macrorrhizos


Alpinia galangal

Alpinia galangal


Alpinia malaccanse 5 plants

Alpinia malaccanse 5 plants


Beehive Ginger Pack 4 plants

Beehive Ginger Pack 4 plants


29% OFF RRP $70.00
Brazil Cherry

Brazil Cherry


Brazil Cherry Bulk Buy x 10

Brazil Cherry Bulk Buy x 10


19% OFF RRP $155.00
Brugmansia Avalanche

Brugmansia Avalanche


Bun Long Taro

Bun Long Taro


C. fruticosa Nancy

C. fruticosa Nancy


Colocasia fallax

Colocasia fallax


Cordyline Andrew

Cordyline Andrew


Cordyline Pele's Smoke

Cordyline Pele's Smoke


Costus comosus

Costus comosus
