
Gingers constitute a wide and diverse family within the Zingiberales. The are closely related to heliconias, costus and bananas. There are over 1200 species of gingers, over 1000 of them occurring in Tropical Asia. There are even a few native to Australia! Gingers are not only used ornamentally but also medicinally and as a food source. Lush and tropical, gingers are a key component in a Resort Style Tropical Garden.

As a rule they tend to be more cold hardy than heliconias and prefer partial shade. Like heliconias, they like rich well drained soil and are heavy feeders. Torch gingers are more tolerant of heavy clay than other gingers. Hedychiums and curcumas are the most cold hardy of the gingers with a few alpinias being cold hardy as well.
Please note: Most of our gingers are sent as rhizomes.

Zingiber spectabile cv Orange (Orange Beehive/Giant Apricot Beehive)
6% OFF RRP $15.50
 White Torch Ginger

White Torch Ginger


Alpinia purpurata

Alpinia purpurata


 Helani Tulip Torch Ginger

Helani Tulip Torch Ginger


"Giant Pink Shell" Alpinia

"Giant Pink Shell" Alpinia


"Giant Pink Shell" Alpinia Bulk Buy
33% OFF RRP $90.00
Alpinia "Eileen Macdonald"

Alpinia "Eileen Macdonald"


14% OFF RRP $21.50
Alpinia "Eileen Macdonald" Bulk Buy x5
25% OFF RRP $100.00
Alpinia galangal

Alpinia galangal


Alpinia malaccanse 5 plants

Alpinia malaccanse 5 plants


Alpinia oceanica "Variegated Form"
18% OFF RRP $17.70
Alpinia oceanica "Variegated Form" Bulk Buy
21% OFF RRP $70.00
Alpinia oxyphylla

Alpinia oxyphylla


Alpinia purpurata "Jungle Queen"
14% OFF RRP $25.00
Alpinia purpurata "Jungle Queen" Bulk Buy
38% OFF RRP $120.00
Beehive Ginger Pack 4 plants

Beehive Ginger Pack 4 plants


29% OFF RRP $70.00
Bloody Mary Torch Ginger

Bloody Mary Torch Ginger


Dr Moy Hedychium

Dr Moy Hedychium


8% OFF RRP $20.00
Etlingera corneri

Etlingera corneri
