
Pandanus have about 600 known species. They vary from small shrubs to trees over 20 meters high. They commonly form stilt roots and strappy leaves but there are exceptions to this.
Here you'll find a selection of landscaping pandanus suitable to the tropics and subtropics. You'll receive a large bare rooted pup.

If possible we recommend potting your plants up. They can be planted out when they shoot and establish roots. If you are in a particularly cold area it is best to purchase your plants in spring so that they have a full growing season before encountering winter conditions.
There is an article on our blog on PANDANUS AMARYFOLLIUS HERE

Pandanus amaryllifolius 4 plants
25% OFF RRP $80.00
Pandanus amaryllifolius 10 plants

Pandanus amaryllifolius 10 plants


27% OFF RRP $150.00