Bamboo Tropical Plants online

Bamboos available from El Arish Tropical Exotics, mailorder tropical plants delivered to your door.

Bamboo are perennial evergreen plants belonging to the grass family. They range in size from half a meter to over 40 meters in height. No other plant conjures up images of steamy tropical jungle like bamboo. And while they have an immense ornamental value in the garden, they have an astounding range of other uses. They are used as a building material, food source, bamboo fabric and biofuel. 
Bamboos are some of the fastest growing plants in the world, some growing up to a meter a day. Generally, they are regarded as either running or clumping. We do not sell running bamboo and do not recommend running bamboo in home garden.
Here you will find a selection of both attractive and useful bamboos for tropical gardens.

Tiger Grass

Tiger Grass


Tiger Grass 5 plants

Tiger Grass 5 plants


25% OFF RRP $80.00