Samoan Pink Taro

2 suckers

Rated 5/5 based on 2 reviews.
In Stock
you are purchasing 2 suckers

Popular variety originally from Samoa. Makes a great ornamental around ponds.


Growing Conditions Moist rich soil. Humid tropical conditions will grow in cooler regions through summer but will die back in winter.
Max Size 1m
Origin Samoa
Temperature tropical sub tropical
SKU 552

Samoan taro

13 December 2019
Awesome product always comes well packaged and in perfect condition. No complaints with any time I order. Would definitely use again.
(5) Response
Thank you Sinapati for taking the time to let us know. The Samoan Pink is one of our favorite tasting taros and we use it in a lot of curries. I hope they grow really well for you and you get heaps of rain to help them along!!

Samoan Pink Taro

By: on 23 May 2016
Healthy Taro plants, well packed & quickly posted

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