Cordyline fruticosa Waihee Rainbow 5 plants

bulk buy of 5 plants

Rated 5/5 based on 1 reviews.
RRP $60.00
SAVE $5.00 (8%)
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you are purchasing 5 small barerooted plants

One of the most beautiful of the variegated cultivars that tolerate much sun. Leaves tend to be long and narrowish. Produces beautiful long sprays of purple fruit. New growth flushes deep pink in the

One of the most beautiful of the variegated cultivars that tolerate much sun. Leaves tend to be long and narrowish. Produces beautiful long sprays of purple fruit. New growth flushes deep pink in the cooler months.

You are purchasing 5 barerooted plants


Growing Conditions Well drained rich soil. Full sun to partshade in a frost free position.
Flowering Season Best color is obtained during the cooler months.
Max Size 1 m
Origin Hawaii
Temperature 5 degrees
SKU 5460

Purchase of 5 Cordylines.

1 June 2018
Delivery was in a reasonable time, and the plants were well packed and in very good condition on arrival. We are about to get frosts , so have potted them up and they will live in my back room where it gets nice light and morning warmth from the sun, if any. I love the colors.!

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